Saturday, October 13, 2012

Flavored Raw Tea With Processed Tea

There are two reasons for assorting raw Pu-erh tea with processed Pu-erh tea: tea manufacturers want to enrich the flavor of the tea by combining the sweetness and freshness of raw tea and the mellowness of processed tea; and some tea traders falsely sell the assorted tea to make profit.
This flavored tea offers the delicate and varying taste and flavor of the combination of different proportions of both types of tea.

Pre-brewing Preparationgs
Tea ware: Electric tea kettle, fairness cup, teacups. Water: Fill the electric tea kettle with enough water and bring it to boil.
Tea: Tea liquid of raw tea and processed tea.

1. Pour raw tea liquid: Pour raw the liquid into the tea cups to the level of 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% from Cup 1 to Cup 4 respectively.
2. Prepared raw tea liquid: Four cups with different amounts of raw tea liquid.
3. Pour processed tea liquid: Pour processed tea liquid to the level of 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% from Cup 4 to Cup 1 respectively.
4. Flavored tea liquid: This process shows the natural transition of dark to light color of the tea liquid. Enjoy tea time!

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